I work to help my clients transcend their limitations to reach an optimal state of health and well-being.

I am dedicated to helping clients overcome mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Initially, I focused on mental health issues like depression, anxiety, stress, OCD, ADD, and ADHD. However, I quickly realized that true transformation requires addressing deeper emotional and spiritual issues, such as feeling blocked from achieving your purpose or struggling to manifest your dreams.

This journey has become my life’s purpose, and I am passionate about guiding clients towards fulfillment.

Why choose me as your Personal Transformation Facilitator?

  • Unmatched Passion and Expertise: My commitment to your well-being is unparalleled. I genuinely love what I do, and it reflects in the results we achieve together.

  • Personalized Attention: I dedicate our entire session to you, carefully listening to your needs and addressing the sources of disharmony. I never leave you unattended during treatment.

  • Comprehensive Experience: With over 30 years in alternative healthcare, I bring extensive knowledge in nutrition, supplements, Qi Gong energy work, Shamanic healing, and drug detox strategies. Whatever your challenge, I have the tools to help you achieve better balance.

Let’s work together for a transformative journey towards a more fulfilled life.

Patient Reflections:

  • "I have been seeing Matthew for 13 years now. I first got acupuncture from him when I was 16 and I had a purging experience for the next day. This opened me up to energy healing and changed my life forever. He’s healed me through energy sessions which opened me mentally and physically up to my energy body and my awareness of a deeper part of myself. "


  • "Matthew has helped my whole family and I become more aware of our body’s energy, centering and grounding us through various practices of therapy. I always leave his office feeling light as a feather after his healing sessions."


  • "Matthew is the most intuitive energy healer I've ever worked with, he has helped me to get to the next level of healing I've been seeking."


  • "Matthew's treatments are better than any anti-depressant!"


  • "Matthew has really helped me be the healthy, confident, and happy person I knew was hiding behind the anxiety."
